Many people believe that when Christians die, they immediately go to heaven to be with Jesus, and they take great comfort in that. This seminar is not designed to cause people discomfort, but rather to provide great freedom in knowing what truly happens to people when they die. To find this freedom and to understand the true nature of death, we must look to Scripture, not to religious traditions or worldly cultures.
Verses: 1 Cor. 15:16-22; Gen. 2:15-17; 3:4; 7:21; Eccles. 9:4-6; Rom. 5:12; Luke 4:41; Deut. 18:9-12.
Teacher: John Schoenheit
To accurately understand death, we must look to God’s Word and not human traditions. God designed the body, soul, and spirit to live together,...
In this session, we learn from the Bible that the dead are dead, “sleeping” in the ground and turned back to dust. They are...
The Bible clearly states that when people die, they are in the grave and are not immediately judged to go to Heaven or Hell....